Women Mystics of the Medieval Era

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Author Country of Manufacture ISBN/Product Code Printed Pages Format
Thierry Gosset Ireland 9780854396566 96 Paperback

In the Middle Ages there was a flowering of mysticism among women whose spiritual genius remains unparalleded in Western history. Yet, because of the inferior status attributed to women in Western culture in their time, their significance was denied. Today, however, there is an interest and a thirst to rediscover their hidden genius.

This little gift book presents writings by:

  • Hildegard of Bingen
  • Clare of Assisi
  • Mechtild of Magdeburg
  • Hadewijch of Antwerp
  • Marguerite Porete
  • Julian of Norwich
  • Catherine of Siena


Each of these women mystics burns with the same fire, but each in their own way. And today, more that ever before, we believe the mystics have a message for us; their lives and their profound understanding of reality cross the boundaries of time and find an echo in our hearts. The spiritual experiences of these women encourage us in our own search.


  • Women Mystics of the Modern Era
  • Women Mystics of the Contemporary Era
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