What every Catholic needs to Know about Islam

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Author Country of Manufacture ISBN/Product Code Printed Pages Format
Fr Terence Gerald Kennedy Ireland 9780854398621 150 Paperback

What every Catholic needs to know about Islam does not try nor aspire to describe Islam comprehensively, but only to give some basic guidance about how it is to be understood both from Muslim and Christian perspectives. This requires a theological assessment, something necessary but often overlooked. The flashpoints between the two will be highlighted so as to show what each considers non-negotiable. Such insights are needed to achieve mutual understanding in a successful and enduring dialogue.


Fr Terence Gerard Kennedy is a Redemptorist priest born in Australia in 1942. He preached parish missions and retreats before studying moral theology in Rome. Bernhard Haring directed his doctoral thesis. He has been professor at the Alphonsian Academy since 1984 and was for 20 years a visiting professor at the Gregorian University. St Pauls publishied his manual of moral theology, Doers of the Word. He was a theological expert to the Synod of Bishops for Oceania in all its stages from 1998 to 2002.

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